NAV Statement
CGEO and BGEO prices are updated every 15 minutes. The exchange rate is updated daily based on the official exchange rates published by NBG.
CGEO and BGEO prices are updated every 15 minutes. The exchange rate is updated daily based on the official exchange rates published by NBG.
* BOG multiple is calculated based on the latest trading price and LTM 30-Sep-22 figures.
** Private portfolio companies, net debt and net other assets / liabilities are valued as of 30-Sep-22, BOG is valued at the latest trading price.
*** Shares outstanding are stated as of 30 September 2022, net of total unawarded shares in management trust. The total number of ordinary shares in issue as of 30 September 2022 was 44,827,862.
**** The independent valuations of the large and investment stage portfolio companies are performed on a semi-annual basis. In 3Q22, our private large and investment portfolio companies were valued internally by incorporating 3Q22 results, in line with IPEV guidelines and methodology deployed in 1H22 by a third-party independent valuation firm. The valuation of Water Utility in 3Q22 reflects the application of the put option valuation to GCAP’s 20% holding in the business.